Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cargo bikes and heavy hauling trailers

In my perusal of the nets to generate some bike haul ideas I came across these snazzy sites.

Bikes At Work Inc offers some very heavy duty bike trailers.

At $520 this trailer seems a bit out of our means (and we are planning on building!) It is advertised as maxing out at an impressive 300lbs and is certainly inspiring.

Also out of our means is Portland, Oregon's Metrofiets .

The cargo bike concept makes a nice marriage of bike and trailer. I am also a sucker for craftsmanship and marketing aimed at my progeny.

Finally there is A.N.T. from Holliston, MA. Here are some folks dedicated to commuter style bikes that scream, my bike is my primary vehicle. Check out their lovely take on the cargo bike.


anonymous said...

hey losers. this guy i know just recently built and started using a pedicab in the valley. i think he laid out plans/execution on his website in case you wanna check it out:

-- arturo

Beth said...

The interweb just told me that the Maker Fair is happening in your city this weekend. I hope you'll consider heading over and looking for bike powered explosions of ingenuity.

living through you all from way out in the midwest (where people at my grocery store assume I'm married to that one other guy they see riding a bike around sometimes)